The TÜV certified Dancop-mirrors are an important part of maintaining work place safety. Besides of the TOP selling products and well known dome mirrors, we offer you a vast product range. The highly conspicuous Checkpoint industrial mirror increases operational safety and together with our retailers, we have developed a special monitoring mirror with concave curvature. Dancop is the only manufacturer who can offer this mirror with concave curvature, see our Check Mirror. For cost-optimized use, you will also find the EC observation mirrors in round and rectangular versions. Also for the industrial models we can offer you depending on the application and type different fixings. The assortment is completed by wide angle and forklift-drivers mirrors. Dancop is the only manufacturer on the market who can offer TÜV and windload tested products. You can rely on our quality which is tested and certified annually from the TÜV.

EUvex Industrial Mirror
Equipped with a black/yellow frame that enables indoors a high visibility on industrial sites.
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EUvex Universal Mirror
The EUvex Universal Mirror is equipped with a white frame and can be used in various places and for a high range of purposes.
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